"The question is not what the community can do for young people, but young people can do for the community."
The Federation of Youth Organization of Ciuc Region was launched with the quoted slogan in august 1999 in order to unite rural youth organizations in Ciuc region. At the beginning CSTIT worked with fewer member organizations and foundations, but with more enthusiasm.
Since then, we can say that in most communities of Ciuc region operates a youth organization or group that attempts to bring together the different layers of local youth, who, while wanting to have fun, also wants to learn and to develop themselves.
Federation of Youth Organizations in Region Ciuc acts as an umbrella organization of local youth organizations, having today more than 40 member organizations.
The aim of the organization is to serve the member organizations with administrative, financial, informational, educational help, which individually would not be able to provide these services.
Since then, we can say that in most communities of Ciuc region operates a youth organization or group that attempts to bring together the different layers of local youth, who, while wanting to have fun, also wants to learn and to develop themselves.
Federation of Youth Organizations in Region Ciuc acts as an umbrella organization of local youth organizations, having today more than 40 member organizations.
The aim of the organization is to serve the member organizations with administrative, financial, informational, educational help, which individually would not be able to provide these services.