Come and play! Board game nights in Miercurea-Ciuc.

Come and play! Board game nights in Miercurea-Ciuc.


Petőfi Sándor 35, Miercurea Ciuc/Csíkszereda 530003, Romania


Dates and Hours:

Friday, 18th October 2024
18:00 - 23:00


In 2024 we invite you to come and join us in Zengő Tér for the boardgame nights.
During these events we would like to create opportunities to get to know some playful members from the block by playing with awesome boardgames. Deal?

 Place: Zengő Tér, Petőfi Sándor str., nr. 35, Csíkszereda.

Like every game, our event also has some basic rules:
Let us know if you want to participate by dropping some lines in Messenger to Határátlépők (Bordercrossers).

Based on how much you liked the experience you had, we ask you to contribute to the logistics and the acquisition of brand new games. The minimum amount is 10 RON, which is the price of an espresso. Of course we won't get offended if you give more, thank you in advance!

The place also has teahouse services, so you don't have to worry about bringing some snacks and drinks, let's support them as well by enjoying something from their offer.

Every player is welcome, be it a beginner or a Twiglight Saga-gamer. We have a lot of boardgames (means a looot), the minimum age is from 5 years old.

If you find a game you want to play inbetween our events, it's also possible to borrow it from us based on agreement, for details ask the organisers.

Organisators: Határátlépők Egyesület/ Bordercrossers Association.

Partners: Zengő Tér Cultural Center, Care2Travel Association, Matrisz Association

*By taking part in this event, you agree that we can take photos during the night and we can use them on social media platforms and groups. If you want some photos or videos of you to be deleted, write us and we will solve it the best we can.