Praid outdoor pool
Swimming pool
At present, the salted pool is fed with salty water pumped from the Gh. Doja mine from a depth of 150 m. This water, which after a few months in the underground pool, acquires a very high salinity, forms a special attraction, as any attempt at swimming fails, tourists float helplessly to the surface, like cork stoppers.
Considering that the thermal inertia (the ability to keep the temperature) of salt water is much higher than that of fresh water, the water in the pool remains warm even after two and three days of rainy, cool weather.
These salty baths, due to the rarity of highly concentrated salt water, attract more and more tourists, both from the outskirts and abroad, and are, besides the recreational base of the saline, an important tourist potential with curative and recreational value.
- Adult, Full Session: between 12:00-16:00 | Monday-Sunday | 50 Lei
- Youth (Age 3-18), Full Session: between 12:00-16:00 | Monday-Sunday | 30 Lei
- Adult, Half Session: between 16:00-19:00 | Monday-Sunday | 40 Lei
- Youth (Age 3-18), Half Session: between 16:00-19:00 | Monday-Sunday | 20 Lei
- Tot (Age 3 & Under) | Monday-Sunday | Free