Odorheiu Secuiesc Memorial Park

Odorheiu Secuiesc Memorial Park


Székely Támadt vár, Strada Tompa László 14, Odorheiu Secuiesc 535600, Romania


Pro Odorhei Foundation built the Memorial Park.

The statues represent 12 famous historical and cultural personalities: Kós Károly, Bethlen István, Wesselényi Miklós, Bethlen Gábor, Fráter György, King Szent László, Prince Csaba, Hunyadi János, Báthori István II. Rákóczi Ferenc, General Bem, Nyírő József, and the thirteenth is the anonymous Wandering Szekler.

The sculptors are: Blaskó János, Hell Tibor, Krisztiáni Sándor, Lessenyei Márta and Tóth Emőke.

Text and photo source: https://tourinfo.ro/

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