Mineral Water Museum - Tușnad Sat

Mineral Water Museum - Tușnad Sat


Tușnad 537335, Romania


The Szekler Museum in Ciuc financed the Mineral Water Museum in the center of Tușnad. The design and layout of the exhibition was carried out by Csíki Természetjáró and Természetvédő Egyesület (CsTTE - Tourism and Nature Protection Association from Miercurea Ciuc) and the Ars Topia Foundation, with the help of designers and students from Hungary and Transylvania, as well as aid from local people.

The Mineral Water Museum draws attention to the value of the mineral waters in the region, to the history of drinking water and to the spa tradition. The location of the museum is in Tusnad village, a locality where locals, tourists and travelers stop to collect mineral water from the natural springs. Thus, the museum offers the opportunity for those interested to glance at another type of tourism that is quiet and calm, wears boots and has a special theme.

The museum is in a building that has the shape of a yurt, because it presents the path of the mineral water from the steam baths of the Scythian and Magyar shamans to the present day spa tradition. The building has ​​40 square meters (the area of ​​the internal exhibition), and the total exhibition reaches 60-90 square meters (internal and external space).

Text and photo sources: http://csikimuzeum.ro; https://www.eco-turism.ro/


  • Tușnad

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