The Stronger

The Stronger




Casa de Cultură, Bulevardul Timișoarei 6, Miercurea Ciuc 530102, Romania

Dates and Hours:

Wednesday, 16th October 2024
20:00 - 21:15


 Strindberg wrote the play titled The Stronger (1889) during the time when his first marriage was falling apart. He had three marriages, but his relationships with women were never without problems; his entire life was marked by poverty and an obsession with persecution. It can be said that through his drama, his autobiographical voice is heard on stage. 'A corner of a café. Small tables, dusty chairs. An old, tired Christmas music can be heard. The place is almost empty. Besides us (the audience) and the waiter, there is only a woman reading near the window. An unsettling silence. After a few minutes, an elegant woman sits at her table. A chance encounter.' In The Stronger, we witness the confrontation between two women and their constant changes in status.